Ellie Young

Cardiff born Ellie Young studied at UWIC Cardiff and gained a BA Fine Art in 2010. She has exhibited widely in the UK since graduating, including solo exhibitions in Cardiff, Cardigan and London. An expressive and humorous figurative painter, Young takes inspiration from cross-genre visual culture - the ‘high’ and the ‘low’, from grand masterpieces to soap operas, pop icons to the historical and ecclesiastical. Young depicts the famous and recognisable, sculpting with air-drying clay and layering with acrylic paint
‘As a, primarily, figurative painter I’ve always been interested in the interaction between the subject of a painting and its surface. I create ways that the surface intrudes upon the image depicted, or forces the decisions in the painting based on the nature of the material rather than its subject. The haphazard nature of my modelling and materials tends to give everything a comical quality.
I like taking an image that is vaunted as a masterpiece and maybe demystifying or humbling it somehow. I kept looking at Italian masterpieces from the renaissance, some a bit earlier and later - mostly from postcards I had in the studio. They all contain narrative around the Greek gods and Ovid’s Metamorphosis or Bible stories. The ubiquitousness of these images and stories render extraordinary, often violent scenes seem benign or at least palatable.’ - Ellie Young
Ganwyd Ellie Young yng Nghaerdydd ac astudiodd yn UWIC Caerdydd gan dderbyn gradd Celf Gain yn 2010. Ers graddio, mae wedi arddangos yn eang o gwmpas yr DU, gan gynnwys arddangosfeydd undyn yng Nghaerdydd, Aberteifi a Llundain. Mae’n baentwraig ffigurol mynegiannol, llawn hiwmor, a cymer ysbrydoliaeth o ystod eang o ddiwylliant gweledol - yr ‘uchel’ a’r ‘isel’, campweithiau i operau sebon, eiconau byd pop i’r hanesyddol crefyddol. Adnabyddus ac enwog yw testunau ei phortraedau sydd wedi’i mowldio o glai a’u paentio â phaent acrylig
Wednesday - Saturday 10:30 - 17:00
The Coach House, Rear of 143 Donald Street, Cardiff, CF24 4TP
+44 (0) 29 2060 0495
Artworks can be purchased online or by contacting the gallery.
Ein Celf • Own Art
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info@gallery-ten.co.uk | 029 2060 0495
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After Francisco Albani ‘The Ecstasy of Mary Magdalene’ or Hoist, 2024, acrylic and air-dry clay with gold leaf, 38 × 35cm
After Botticelli ‘Primavera’ Detail, 2025, acrylic and air-dry clay, 43 × 23cm
After Tintoretto: ‘The Origin of the Milky Way’ or The Origin of the Miky Way?, 2024, acrylic and air-dry clay, 26 x 28cm
After Titian: ‘Perseus and Andromeda’ or I’m Not Dancing, I’m Fighting, 2024, acrylic and air-dry clay, 25 x 28cm
After Titian: ‘Bacchus and Ariadne’ or An Actual Bacchanal, 2024, acrylic and air-dry clay, 26 x 28cm
After Artemisia Gentileschi ‘Mary Magdalene as Melancholy’ or Resting Sad Face, 2024, acrylic and air-dry clay, 26 × 20cm
After Artemesia Genileschi ‘St Mary Magdalen’ or Tiny Palpitations, 2024, acrylic and air-dry clay, 32 × 27cm
After Giotto: ‘The Baptism of Christ’ or The Water Rose to Meet Him, 2024, acrylic and air-dry clay, 26 x 28cm
After Cimabue: ‘The Flagellation of Christ’ or Sacrilicious, 2024, acrylic and air-dry clay, 31 x 25cm
After Botticelli: ‘Primavera’ or Festival, 2024, acrylic and air-dry clay, 26 x 37cm
After Solario: ‘Salome with the Head of St John the Baptist’ or Don’t Ask, Don’t Get, 2024, acrylic and air-dry clay, 28 x 25cm
After Pontormo: ‘The Deposition from the Cross’ or Undone, 2024, acrylic and air-dry clay, 37 x 26cm
After Bronzino: ‘The Allegory with Venus and Cupid’ or Time is a Mother****er, 2024, acrylic and air-dry clay, 34 x 26cm
After Correggio ‘Jupiter and Io’ or Cloud Lover, 2024, acrylic and air-dry clay, 39 x 21cm
After Caravaggio: ‘Testa di Medusa’ or It Me, 2024, acrylic and air-dry clay, 27cm diameter
After Botticelli: ‘Mary with the Child and Singing Angels’ or Mixed Blessings, 2024, acrylic and air-dry clay, 27cm diameter
After della Francesca: ‘The Baptism of Christ’ or Weird Spa Day, 2024, acrylic and air-dry clay, 34 x 26cm
After Michelangelo: The Creation of Adam, 2024, acrylic and air-dry clay, 15 x 30cm
After Michelangelo: The Fall and the Expulsion from Paradise, 2024, acrylic and air-dry clay, 15 x 30cm
After Michelangelo: The Creation of the Sun, Moon and Planets, 2024, acrylic and air-dry clay, 15 x 30cm
After Michelangelo: Ignudi #9, 2024, acrylic and air-dry clay, 15 x 13cm
After Michelangelo: Ignudi #11, 2024, acrylic and air-dry clay, 15 x 13cm
After Verrocchio: ‘The Virgin and Child and Two Angels’ or Holding the Baby, 2024, acrylic and air-dry clay, 32 x 26cm
After Caravaggio: ‘The Incredulity of St Thomas’ or Touching is Believing, 2024, acrylic and air-dry clay, 16 x 33cm
After Raphael ‘St Margaret’ or In ‘er Demon #1, 2024, acrylic and air-dry clay with gold leaf, 35 × 27cm
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