James Rielly

Wrexham-born James Rielly studied at Gloucester College of Art and Design and Belfast Collage of Art in 1980. One of the renowned Saatchi Sensations YBA artists of the 1997 exhibition, Rielly exhibits regularly and widely to great acclaim
Rielly’s works are subtle yet inherently dark. Working with oil paint on canvas and watercolour on paper, Rielly’s paintings offer a bizarre and unsettling narrative, like a Grimm fairytale - not entirely unrecognizable. Children smoking, masked faces, carrier bags and building - and Rielly’s characteristic enigmatic eyes placed and gazing out at the viewer
Central is his contemplation of the troubled teenage years, the tricky years of letting go of childhood and venturing into adulthood - and the slightly twisted psychology of those rites of passage. Rielly questions whether adolescences is genuinely innocent in light of how we behave as adults
Solo exhibitions include Musee des Beaux-arts de Nates, France 1997; Centre d’art Nauchatel, Switzerland 1998; La Box, Bourges, France 2014; Beaux-Arts de Paris; Cabinet des Dessins Jean Bonna 2015; CAC Malaga, Spain 2022
Collections include National Museum Wales, Tate Gallery, Saatchi Collection, Scottish National Gallery, Fonda National d’Art Contemporain France
Ganwyd James Rielly yn Wrecsam, ac astudiodd yng Ngholeg Celf a Dylunio Caerloyw a yna yng Ngholeg Celf Belfast ym 1980. Roedd yn un o artistiaid YBA a fu’n rhan o arddangosfa nodedig Sensations Saatchi ym 1997. Arddangosa Rielly yn rheolaidd ac yn eang ledled y byd
Mae gweithiau Rielly yn gynnil ond yn gynhenid dywyll. Gweithia gyda phaent olew ar gynfas a dyfrlliw ar bapur, a cynnigia baentiadau Rielly ryw naratif rhyfedd ac anesmwyth, fel stori dylwyth teg Grimm - nad yw’n gwbl anadnabyddadwy. Plant yn ysmygu, wynebau mewn mwgwd, bagiau siopa ac adeiladu - a llygaid enigmatig nodweddiadol Rielly wedi’i gosod ar ben y cwbwl ac yn syllu allan arnom ni
Yn ganolog i’w waith yw ei fyfyrdod ar flynyddoedd cythryblus yr arddegau, y blynyddoedd dyrys o ollwng gafael ar blentyndod a mentro i fyd oedolion - a seicoleg wyrdroëdig y newid byd hynny. Mae Rielly yn cwestiynu a yw llencyndod yn wirioneddol ddiniwed yng ngoleuni sut yr ydym yn ymddwyn fel oedolion
Wednesday - Saturday 10:30 - 17:00
The Coach House, Rear of 143 Donald Street, Cardiff, CF24 4TP
+44 (0) 29 2060 0495
Artworks can be purchased online or by contacting the gallery.
Ein Celf • Own Art
Own Art is a national initiative providing interest-free credit for the purchase of artwork by living artists. The purchase is split over 10 interest-free instalments, with no deposit, up to £2500. To purchase an artwork through Own Art contact the gallery to be sent an online form.
info@gallery-ten.co.uk | 029 2060 0495
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Hesitate, 2023, oil on canvas, 51 × 46cm
Lost and Found, 2024, oil on canvas, 46.5 x 36.5cm
Learning to Blend In, 2024, oil on canvas, 41.5 x 41.5cm
Saint Cybi and Saint Seiriol Together in Silent Prayer, 2024, oil on canvas, 41.5 x 31.5cm
Home Near the Sea, 2019, lithograph, 28 x 38cm A/P 1 [unframed, soft mounted and wrapped in cellophane]
Modern Diplomacy, 2019, etching and aquatint, 29 x 18cm A/P 1 framed 43 x 33cm; A/P 2 unframed, soft mounted and wrapped in cellophane
Looking for the Good In People, 2019, lithograph, 45 x 35cm [framed] AP 1/2
Complete folio of 7 prints, 2019, lithographs, 38 x 29cm [unframed] AP 2/2
Included are:
Human Kindness
Looking for the Good In People
At the Edges
We Are Three Brothers
Into the Mystic
Thinking About Life Wearing a Beard
A Friend to Some of the Animals
Try to be More Desirable, 2023, watercolour on paper, 38 x 29cm | 47 x 37cm framed
Welsh Village, 21 October 1966, 2023, watercolour on paper, 29 x 38cm | 37 x 47cm framed
Blocking Out the Light, 2024, oil on canvas, 41.5 x 31.5cm
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