09|10 - 19|11|2022

‘Nothing can keep its colour under the cover of darkness’

- Tacita Dean


TEN is pleased to present a solo exhibition by ceramicist Sophie Southgate

A Reflection is Southgate’s first solo show at TEN - her tactile, joyous and vibrant work has been a popular staple of mixed exhibitions since she joined the gallery in 2016. The exhibition includes new additions to her well-established series of pills, lollies and vessels - complete with signature swirls of glazes and high contrasting colours

We are also introduced to two new collections. Wall-mounted earthenware balloons float, suspended in motion and sculptural stoneware forms with circular motifs are ancient in nature. The balloons - a continuation of the pop-style pills and lollies; the sculptures - reminiscent of Southgate’s play with negative space evident in her long-standing vessel series. All in all, these are clear, natural and exciting progressions in her practice. There is one noticeable difference in these new collections and that is the complete absence of colour. Southgate’s use of the blackest black paint - the Semple Black 3.0 - stands in complete distinction to her previous output. The forms take on an otherworldly presence, the balloons are conflicting - no longer bearers of joyous occasion but rather of solemn irony

‘ ‘What are we celebrating for?’

The balloons are an ironic response to an irrational request to the nation to celebrate during a Prime Minister's speech when the country felt to be in crisis. The forms are thrown on the wheel in sections before being joined together, and are primarily about the cathartic, bodily experience of working on the wheel’ - Sophie Southgate

A Cardiff Metropolitan graduate and a Royal Collage of Art post-graduate, Southgate has numerous awards to her name - the Regina Lasker Prize [2014], National Eisteddfod Purchase Prize [2015], Future Lights Winner [2018], European Prize for Applied Arts [2018]. Her ceramics are part of collections worldwide.

Mae TEN yn falch o gyflwyno arddangosfa undyn gan y seramegydd Sophie Southgate

A Reflection yw sioe unigol gyntaf Southgate yn TEN - mae ei chrochenwaith bywiog, lliwgar, llawn egni wedi bod yn ran boblogaidd o arddangosfeydd cymysg ers iddi ymuno â’r oriel yn 2016. Mae’r arddangosfa yn cynnwys ychwanegiadau newydd i’w chyfresi sefydledig o dabledi, lolis a llestri - yn cynnwys y chwyrliadau nodweddiadol o wydredd a lliwiau llachar cyferbyniol

Fe'n cyflwynir hefyd i ddau gasgliad newydd. Mae balwnau llestri pridd wedi'u gosod ar y wal yn arnofio, fel petaent yn hongian ganol awyr ac mae ffurfiau cerfluniol gyda motiffau crwn ailadroddus yn hynafol eu natur. Dyma’r balwns yn barhad o'r cyfresi pop o dabledi a lolis; y cerfluniau yn barhad o chwarae â gofod negyddol a welir yn ei chyfres hirsefydlog o lestri. Ar y cyfan, mae'r rhain yn ddilyniant clir, naturiol a chyffrous yn ei gwaith. Mae un gwahaniaeth amlwg yn y casgliadau newydd hyn, sef diffyg llwyr o liw. Mae defnydd Southgate o'r paent mwyaf du - y Semple Black 3.0 - yn gwbl gyferbynniol i'w hallbwn blaenorol. Daw’r ffurfiau yn bresenoldebau arallfydol, â’r balwns yn ddryslyd - nid ydynt bellach yn symbol o achlysur llawen ond yn hytrach yn llawn eironi difrifol



The Coach House, Rear of 143 Donald Street

Roath, Cardiff, CF24 4TP

Access via Tyn-Y-Coed Place


Wednesday 10:30 - 17:00

Thursday 10:30 - 17:00

Friday 10:30 - 17:00

Saturday 10:30 - 17:00


+44 (0) 29 2060 0495

