André Stitt, Chemical Thrash and Filth Hungry Ghosts Poems 1977-2020

André Stitt, Chemical Thrash and Filth Hungry Ghosts Poems 1977-2020


Chemical Thrash and Filth Hungry Ghosts Poems 1977-2020, 2021, 21 x 15cm

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Published by kodapress, limited edition of 30, ISBN 978-1-8381626-0-3


During the 2020 Covid pandemic lockdown André Stitt sifted through a big archive box of poems. These were mostly unpublished. He transcribed the poems from a pile of paper, some typed, some hand-written.

What emerged was a tracking back through the years revealed as a kind of intimate autobiography.

Writing poems has always been a constant in the artists life and exists as a kind abstract alliance between emotional crisis, confession, the celebration of moments, and a mediation with dark forces.

He has no idea if these are of interest. He wrote them, so here they are, in solid form, in the world, for good or not.



Andre Stitt was born in Belfast, Northern Ireland in 1958. He studied at Ulster Polytechnic and Belfast College of Art and Design, Ulster University 1976-1980. From 1980 -1999 he lived and worked in London increasingly traveling and making work internationally throughout the eighties. In 1999 he moved to Wales to take up a position as subject leader and senior lecturer of time-based art at Cardiff School of Art and Design, UWIC. He is currently professor of Fine Art at Cardiff School of Art and Design, Cardiff Metropolitan University, and a fellow of the Royal Society of Art.